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Interview with Natalie Wade – Chairperson, NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce

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The NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce report was released on Friday, 2 August 2024.

The Self Manager Hub welcomes the report that reflects the deep listening and consideration by the taskforce to the thousands of voices of people with disability who said loud and clear that we should decide who provides our support. 

By creating a new category of self-directed support that will enable NDIS participants to continue to use both registered and unregistered providers, this report sends a strong message to the government that the principles of choice and control for participants must remain at the heart of the NDIS.

This report also sends a strong message to the government that they need to invest in building the capacity of people with disability self-directed support. That is what is needed to help to keep us safe.

Moving forward, the Self Manager Hub wants to see the government respond to the call of the taskforce to codesign the next steps. It will be important that the worker registration scheme and the qualification framework recognises that for people with disabilities, the values and attitudes of the people who work with them are often more important than anything else. While training and qualifications are important, an approach needs to be developed that does not impose blanket rules that prevent people from choosing support workers who meet their individual needs and circumstances.

The Self Manager Hub looks forward to working with the government and the parliament in the next phase of this important work. We thank the members of the taskforce for their deep engagement with our organisation and with NDIS participants and families and thank them for their excellent report.

Check out Dr George’s interview with Natalie Wade, discussing the report by the NDIS Provider and Worker Registration Taskforce that was released last Friday.