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What Can I Buy Now? A Self Manager Hub Workshop – 5 October 2024

By Self Manager Hub

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| Event

Sep 19, 2024 | Events, News

This is a free workshop on the new NDIS laws that may change how you can use your NDIS funding.

In this forum, we will cover the new definition of an NDIS support and how you can apply for a substitution and we will address the following questions:

  • What is the new definition of NDIS supports, and how will it change what I can use my funding for?
  • How do I apply for a substitution if something I need isn’t covered anymore?
  • How can I keep getting the supports I need during the changes?
  • What will happen if I buy something that is not allowed and is not approved as a substitution?
  • How can I get support to understand these changes?

This event is free, but to support our work please subscribe to – a website full of helpful resources for self-managing. You can claim your subscription back on your NDIS plan out of your core budget (it says so on page 14 of the new Self Management Guide).

Image of workshop details including a picture of the presenters.