Building Capacity for Lifelong Inclusion: 14th & 15th March 2025 (Brisbane)
| Future planning | Supported decision making | Incclusion
| Events | Set goals and make plans
| Event
| Future planning | Supported decision making | Incclusion
| Events | Set goals and make plans
| Event
A 2 Day Event hosted by Community Resources Unit (CRU) in Brisbane
Friday 14th & Saturday 15th March 2025
CRU invites you to our 2 Day event in Brisbane where we will gather and connect people with disability, family members, friends, workers and allies to focus on what is possible for people with disability and their families.
As changes in our world continue to challenge how we navigate the path to achieving good lives for people with disability, it’s important that we come together to share real stories of what can be achieved. Sharing stories and examples that can span a lifetime; from young children to mature adults, stories that showcase the different ways people have built a good life in community and the contributions of others in building a rich and meaningful life.
For more details and to book, go to